- It has approximately 220 species consisting of 35 nadir trees, 35 fruit trees, 150 vegetable and herb trees.
- Crops are planted in layers (stratified) based on the natural forest system.
- Have a greenhouse for the ‘100 Million Trees’ planting campaign.
- It has 5 SPAH tanks in toilets, houses, office houses and greenhouses for daily use and tree watering.
- Unique and natural garden management (Permaculture).
- Water saving and using Eco-Loo toilets.
- Compost waste is recycled ‘on site’ and no waste taken outside.
- Collect garden waste materials from your own garden, neighbors and other nearby gardens.
- Produce about 1.5 tonnes of compost per month, have a systematic garden record and sell compost yield – RM35 per bag (8 litres).
Is the Winner of the First Place of the Individual Category for the Green Neighborhood Award (AKH) 2021.
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