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  1. It has approximately 220 species consisting of 35 nadir trees, 35 fruit trees, 150 vegetable and herb trees.

  2. Crops are planted in layers (stratified) based on the natural forest system.

  3. Have a greenhouse for the ‘100 Million Trees’ planting campaign.

  4. It has 5 SPAH tanks in toilets, houses, office houses and greenhouses for daily use and tree watering.

  5. Unique and natural garden management (Permaculture).

  6. Water saving and using Eco-Loo toilets.

  7. Compost waste is recycled ‘on site’ and no waste taken outside.

  8. Collect garden waste materials from your own garden, neighbors and other nearby gardens.

  9. Produce about 1.5 tonnes of compost per month, have a systematic garden record and sell compost yield – RM35 per bag (8 litres).

  1. Is the Winner of the First Place of the Individual Category for the Green Neighborhood Award (AKH) 2021.