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Petempatan Tanah Rancangan FELDA

  1. Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) was established on 1 July 1956 under the Land Development Ordinance 1956 (Act 474) for land development and resettlement (under GSA -Group Settlement Areas – Act 530)
  2. There are 317 FELDA plans nationwide
  3. FELDA is a planned village settlement with the objective of poverty eradication.
  4. FELDA is a planned village settlement with the objective of poverty eradication.
  5. This FELDA scheme helps to eradicate poverty in rural areas as well as increase the production of rubber and oil palm in the country.
  6. FELDA is also a complete village because it has a ‘self-contained’ concept. The majority of FELDA plans have schools, halls, musalla or mosques and local commercial activities.
  7. The village houses are built centrally to the facilities provided at the FELDA land plan settlement centre.
  8. This concept makes it easier for residents to get basic necessities and carry out daily activities.