Banghuris Homestay, Selangor
- Is a homestay consists of Kampung Hulu Chuchoh, Kampung Hulu Teris and Kampung Bukit Bangkong – collectively called Banghuris.
- The Banghuris Homestay is located in the Sepang district, 60km from Kuala Lumpur or 35km from the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. This homestay was started in 1995 with only 16 host families and now there are more than 80 host families.
- The Banghuris Homestay offers the true experience of the traditional lifestyle to the visitors/participants which come from various background thru the agro-tourism package. The programs including visits to rubber estates, oil palm plantations and fruit orchards. Try your hand at rubber tapping, harvesting oil fruit bunches, and sample local fruits from the orchards.
- The homestay program has contributed positively on the economy, environment, society, and cultures of the three villages of The Banghuris Homestay.
- The benefits including development of the economic status of villages and its community, improving and maintaining the Malay Kampung environment , strengthening the relationship among the three villages’ community, and preserving the Malay-Javanese culture, custom, and tradition.
- Anugerah Ilham Desa (State Level) (2002)
- Anugerah Ilham Desa (National Level) (2005)
- The most visited Homestay by MOTOUR (2012)
- Today's visitors: 127
- Today's page views: : 152
- Total visitors : 109,132
- Total page views: 162,300